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FADD              Add Real                    Exception Flags: I D O U P

FADD [[destination,] source]

       Logic:      ST(1) . ST(1) + ST, pop stack     (no operands)
                   ST . ST + memory                  (source only)
                   ST . ST + ST(i)                   (destination, source)

     FADD adds two real numbers and leaves the result in the stack top. If you
     specify both destination and source, one must be ST. If you specify only
     one operand, it must be a memory real. The no-operand form of this
     instruction adds ST(1) and ST and places the result in ST(1), then pops
     the stack.

   Operands            Clocks         Bytes           Example
   FADD                70-100           3             FADD
   FADD MEMORY_REAL    90-125+EA        5             FADD REAL_NUMBER
   FADD ST, ST(i)      75-105           3             FADD ST,ST(1)

See Also: FIADD
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